A large temple on the Acropolis of Athens, begun in the 480s BC and destroyed during the Persian Sack of 480 BC, while still under construction. Parts of the structure were incorporated into the north wall of the Acropolis and other structures in the mid-fifth century BC and the Parthenon was built on the same site, using some of the older structure's foundations, beginning in 447 BC.
Chris de Lisle
Modifications: Submit for review; edited; Retract; Submit for review; Initial revision; Create; modified location "OSM Location: Parthenon" (Initial revision, Retract, Submit for review, Create, Location from OSM created by Products.PleiadesEntity.browser.osm.OSMLocationFactory); modified name "Older Parthenon" (Initial revision, Retract, edited, Submit for review, Create); modified name "Pre-Parthenon" (Create, Initial revision, Retract, Submit for review); modified connection "Acropolis of Athens" (Create, Initial revision, Retract, Submit for review); modified connection "Bluebeard temple" (Create, Initial revision, Retract, Submit for review)
Chris de Lisle