A coastal settlement founded by Greeks, Tyritake is located about 11 km south of Kerch. The city's foundation dates to the middle of the sixth century BCE, although a Late Bronze Age settlement may have preceded the Greek colonial foundation. The city became a part of the Bosporan state and flourished until the late fourth century CE. It is noted for its circuit of fortification walls.
Creators: David Braund
Brady Kiesling;
Johan Åhlfeldt;
Jeffrey Becker;
Sean Gillies;
Tom Elliott; DARMC; Diane Braund; R. Talbert
Modifications: added wikidata, cleaned up other references; modified OSM location of Тиритака (Create, Location from OSM created by Products.PleiadesEntity.browser.osm.OSMLocationFactory, update, added OSM location, Submit for review); modified name "Tyritake" (Baseline created); modified name "Dia" (Baseline created)
Jeffrey Becker