An island located in the Black Sea to the east of the mouth of the Danube River, approximately 35 km from the coast. In antiquity, the island was thought to be sacred to the Greek hero Achilles. The ancient name "White Island" was derived from the presence of white serpents, according to Dionysius Periegetes.
Creators: David Braund
Brady Kiesling;
Jeffrey Becker;
Sean Gillies;
Tom Elliott; Diane Braund; R. Talbert
Modifications: references; added Paus. 3.19.11; update references; modified OSM location of Snake Island (Submit for review, added OSM location, Location from OSM created by Products.PleiadesEntity.browser.osm.OSMLocationFactory, Create); modified name "Ostriv Zmiyinyy" (Submit for review, Create, name); modified name "insula Achillis" (Submit for review, Create, name); modified name "Leuke" (Baseline created); modified name "Achilleos Nesos" (Baseline created); modified name "Achilleios Dromos" (Baseline created); modified connection "Pontus Euxinus" (Submit for review, Create, cnxn)
Jeffrey Becker