A promontory on the Mediterranean coast of modern France, at the Spanish border. It was described by Pomponius Mela as marking "the boundary of Gallia" in Roman times. Modern Cap Cerbère.
Creators: H.S. Sivan, S.J. Keay, R.W. Mathisen
Contributors: R. Talbert,
Sean Gillies,
Tom Elliott,
Jeffrey Becker
Modifications: baseline created; change geonames to cite as related; connections to the region of gallia, and the provinces of narbonensis and tarraconensis, reflecting mela's assertion that cervaria was the border of gaul.; description, wikipedia, geonames; initial revision; location from osm created by products.pleiadesentity.browser.osm.osmlocationfactory; title, description
Jeffrey Becker,
Tom Elliott