The Roman fort at Theilenhofen, called Iciniacum in antiquity, was a Roman military camp along the Upper Germanic-Raetian Limes. The site lies to the northwest of the village of Theilenhofen in the Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen district of Bavaria. The fort was probably built in the middle of the third century CE.
Creators: H. Bender
Contributors: DARMC, R. Talbert,
Johan Åhlfeldt,
Jeffrey Becker,
Tom Elliott, G. Moosbauer, M. Puhane,
Sean Gillies
Modifications: added tm geo id 28222: iciniacum (theilenhofen); edited; location from osm created by products.pleiadesentity.browser.osm.osmlocationfactory; update summary
Jeffrey Becker